How to Fix Inactive Outlook Add-ins
This articles describes solutions to enable add-ins that are marked as inactive in Outlook but they are NOT marked as disabled. Outlook actually has 3 status labels for add-ins: enabled, disabled and inactive. Most people confuse an inactive add-in with a disabled add-in, but they are not really the same thing.
Sometimes, it may happen that Outlook deactivates an add-in (or all your add-ins) without marking it as being disabled. For example, if you run the Outlook Product Stability Tool, it may end up making all your Outlook add-ins inactive, but at the same time they are not listed in the Disabled Items list.
To better showcase the situation, here is a list of inactive Outlook add-ins (notice there is also a Disabled Add-in below the Inactive list):
If you open the COM Add-ins manager (by clicking on the Manage COM add-ins “Go” button, in the above screenshot), these inactive add-ins are not marked as being enabled, but they are also not marked as being disabled. In fact, their “Load Behavior” is set to “Unloaded”:
Enabling inactive / unloaded add-ins is trickier than enabling a disabled add-in. Normally, you should be able to enable them simply by marking the related check-box in the COM Add-ins manager window (as in the above screenshot or as detailed in this Disabled Add-ins tutorial). In practice, Outlook may keep deactivating / unloading these add-ins every time when it restarts…
Enabling inactive Outlook add-ins that keep being unloaded
If Outlook keeps deactivating an add-in, first of all try to uninstall & reinstall the given add-in. If it doesn’t solve the issue and the add-in is still being displayed as inactive, please follow these steps to activate the add-in:
1. exit Outlook and uninstall the given Outlook add-in from your Windows Control Panel (see Add/Remove Programs or Uninstall Programs, depending on your Windows version);
2. open your Windows registry (run regedit.exe) and locate the following registry entries:
HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Office\15.0\Outlook\Resiliency (replace 15.0 with your actual Outlook version: 15.0 means Outlook 2013, 14.0 means Outlook 2010, 13.0 means Outlook 2007, etc) – remove the REG_BINARY keys found in DisabledItems and CrashingAddinList:
HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Office\Outlook\Addins – remove the keys that refer to your troubled Outlook add-in. If you want to fix the OneNote Outlook add-in, remove the entry named OneNote.OutlookAddin.
3. reinstall the related Outlook add-in and restart Outlook: it should be loading fine now, without being listed as an inactive add-in.
This is excellent!!!!!!!! fixed my problem. Thanks.
Thanks. It fixed the issue.
Excellent. Fixed my problem. Thank you very much for the reg keys.
Ok I just upgrade to Office 2013 on a new computer. I was running outlook 2007 with BCM and have downloaded BCM for the 2013 outlook. It keeps going inactive even after several uninstalls and re-installs. I thought maybe the SQL sever at 2005 was the issue and now have SQL sever 2008. It did allow for more time before BCM goes inactive but it is still happening. Any ideas?